One of the easiest way to obtain a residence permit in Georgia is through investment. For $300000. you can get a 5_year residence permit for yourself and your family in the shortest possible time.

Different ways to obtain a residence permit in Georgia :

obtaining residency through investing in Georgia:

With the passage of the latest laws announced by the government in 2020 in Georgia, the condition for receiving residency in this country is the amount of 300 thousand US dollars. This amount must be allocated to a business or activity and business enterprise.

Examples of investments made in Georgia over the years include the following:

Fortunately, in Georgia, the administrative process is very fast and easy.Registration of a company in Georgia is done in the shortest possible time and at the lowest cost.

The amount of tax paid to the government by the investor is very justifiable.

Labour cost is very cheap.

If you want to extend your business in a wider segment, you will have easy access to the markets of European countries.

Buying or building luxurious and international restaurants, buying or building hotels, activities in the agricultural industry, activities in the livestock industry and animal husbandry.

obtaining residency through purchasing a property in Georgia:

Currently, according to the latest laws passed in 2020, one of the easiest and safest conditions for obtaining a residence permit is to buy a property in Georgia.

Of course, $100000 does not mean the nominal value of the property, but the expert value of the property, meaning that you may buy a valuable property for $65000 to $80000, but the expert value is $100000 or more.

READ MORE:  Investment In Georgia 2021

To obtain residency through investment and property purchase in Georgia, you can contact our experts at Ava Georgia Holding and benefit from their expert opinions.

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