Amiran Gamkrelidze, Head of the National Center for Diseases Control and Public Health (NCDC), got his Covid-19 Sinopharm jab live on TV. Gamkrelidze got his vaccine shot at the Tbilisi Republican Hospital.

Amiran Gamkrelidze Gets Vaccinated with Sinopharm Vaccine

It is symbolic that today, I get a vaccination with a new vaccine, for the first time. It is the third vaccine to be introduced in the country. As you know, the vaccination process started in the country on March 15, we started “AstraZeneca”, then it developed with “Pfizer”. Vaccination with the Chinese-made vaccine “Sinopharm”, which is a well-tested vaccine, also started today. Vaccination with this vaccine is underway in 45 countries. It is made of so-called traditional technology, to which you are all accustomed. Many of you have been vaccinated with this technology during your childhood. It is a vaccine based on the so-called inactivated virus, of which 200 million doses have already been administered in China and around the world. As you know. We received 100 thousand doses in April and vaccinations start today,” stated Gamkrelidze.

NCDC Head says the epidemiological situation has worsened, although the health sector can manage the number of new cases with no pressure. However, Gamkrelidze stressed the pandemic would hardly end without vaccination. He called on the population to be active and get their jabs.

“The pandemic will not end without vaccination and immunization. The main way to end a pandemic lies through our behaviour. Wearing a face mask is necessary. However, if 60 percent of the population gets two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, we will no longer need face masks outside. I call on the society to actively go to the vaccination points and get the jab,” said Amiran Gamkrelidze.

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NCDC Head said it is crucial to keep the number of daily vaccination in the range of five to six thousand in May-June. Gamkrelidze says everyone should pay his civil duty and immunize.

Registration for the Chinese Covid-19 Sinopharm jabs began on April 27. The Immunization Council greenlit Sinopharm for people aged 18 and above. A total of 17,613 citizens have registered for Sinopharm jabs.

Sinopharm is the third available Covid-19 vaccine for the Georgian population after AstraZeneca and Pfizer.

Vaccination with the Chinese vaccine Sinopharm starts in Georgia from today, May 4th, 2021.

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