Another investment business opportunity supported by the Georgian government is Tbilisi TV Tower Development Project, which is considered in the hospitality and real estate sector, as we said in the previous article, the Georgian government has a strong investment offer for investors, it has a liberal and free-market-oriented economic policy, access to a 2.3 billion consumer market through its solid FTA network including both EU and China, educated, skilled, and competitively priced workforce, 6 types of low and flat taxes, significantly decreased the number of licenses and permissions, well developed, integrated and multimodal transport infrastructure.

Tbilisi TV Tower Development Project

Tbilisi TV Tower located on the top of the highest mountain overlooking the city represents an iconic landmark of Tbilisi. The new development concept introduces the most favorable functional split for the structure to become the city’s top tourism destination. The investment project foresees the development of a concept restaurant, visitor’s center, panoramic viewing platform, and different tourism-related attractions at +70 m.
TV Tower development project has been completed with the close collaboration of Estonian KoKo
Architects providing designing and site preliminary research input.

Brief background about Tbilisi Tv Tower Development project

location: Tbilisi, Funicular upper plateau
Total investment cost in USD: 10 milion USD
Project’s implementation period: 42 months ( 3.5 years)

Project objectives/desired outcome:

Revenue from ticket sales/per annum: € 1 258 475
Revenue from Restaurants/per annum: € 1 067 797
Revenue from payroll/per annum: € 240 000
Products/services to be developed (with estimated production capacity): concept restaurant, visitor’s center, panoramic viewing platform, and different tourism-related attractions
Target Markets: local residents and international visitors from all over the world who travel to Georgia especially Tbilisi every year.

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To get more information about the best investment opportunities please do not hesitate to contact our experienced consultant at and Get in touch with us to be able to know more about business plans and investment opportunities in Georgia.

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